Saturday, December 31, 2011

Baby Girl!

Jenna Joy Johnson came into this world at 7:55 P.M on Wednesday, December 28, 2011. She was a bit of a surprise because many of us were expecting her to be a little boy, but we sure were happy that it was a little girl. Jenna weighed 10# 2 oz. and measured 21 3/4 ".

At first we thought she was going to be a little redhead, but her hair is an ashen blonde.
Jenna was welcomed by Mom, Dad, Dane and Brett. The boys were pretty excited to have a little sister.
Mom getting some cuddling time
Jenna looks pretty small in the arms of her dad.
Brett getting to hold his little sister for the first time. Pretty proud moment for him
Dane gets his chance to introduce himself to his little sister. He was really excited to get a little sister
Grandma Cathy gets her turn
Grandma Patti with little Jenna
I have a feeling these two boys will be spending many hours entertaining their little sister

Jenna is three days old in this picture. She loves to be held and she loves to eat!
Reagan really liked holding Jenna. It was hard to have to say good-bye. She would have liked taking her home.
Drew is no longer the "baby of the family!" He thought Jenna was pretty special also.
I tried to get all the grandchildren to pose for a picture - this is as good as it gets! Dane was a little more concerned about getting the chain back on his medal that he won at a wrestling tournament the night before. He did very well - took second place and wrestled boys a year older than him. Congratulations, Dane!